UWS Roomies
24 July 2020 ⌁My apartment lease was up at the end of the summer so I had to drive to NYC to move out. Luckily I only had a bed and some kitchen things up there, so Price and I made the trip up and back in 3 days in a minivan. I sold my desk in NYC and bought a new one in Georgia so I didn’t have to move it.
Since NY had a mandatory quarantine for anyone staying longer than 24 hours, we drove into the city, packed the van, and left all in under 4 hours. We stopped to have a picnic with a friend in PA.
I really enjoyed this road trip, despite the level of difficulty added by the pandemic. We took I-81 instead of I-95 because the scenery through the mountains is so picturesque. This was also my first time driving in NYC!
This is my roommate, Victoria, and I up on the roof of our building. It’s too bad we only got to live together for a couple of months.